Shareware Overload Trio 1
Shareware Overload Trio Volume 1 (Chestnut CD-ROM).ISO
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0150TER1.ZIP 627607 08-23-94 TERMINATE 1.50 Final Datacomms Terminal! 1/2
State of the art communications program from
Denmark FAST (tm) Superb file and mail manage
0150TER2.ZIP 564053 08-23-94 TERMINATE 1.50 File 2 of 2
0151TER1.ZIP 599098 12-06-94 TERMINATE 1.51 FAST full-featured Danish
Datacommuncations Terminal!. File 1 of 2
0151TER2.ZIP 526114 12-06-94 TERMINATE 1.51 Supports ISDN, OS/2, MORE
Use with Adaptive answer modem/Fax. 2 of 2
144BBSJ4.ZIP 43980 10-09-94 10/01/94 - 144BBS List - ASCII format
144BBSK4.ZIP 44232 11-05-94 11/01/94 - 14.4k bps BBS List - ASCII over
1800 US BBS phone numbers supporting v.32,
v.32bis, v.fast class and v.34 CONNECTs,
sorted by Area Code.
144BBSL4.ZIP 44612 11-30-94 12/01/94 - 14.4k bps BBS List - ASCII
144DB_K4.ZIP 36567 11-29-94 11/01/94 - 144BBS List -db format Formerly
96LIST.DB - A comma delimited sequential file
with data on over 1,800 US BBS's supporting
v.32, v.32bis, v.fast class or v.34 CONNECTs,
206LIST.ZIP 12464 07-23-94 BBS list for the Seattle area code 206
as of July 1994.
288ZOOM.ZIP 9930 03-22-94 Helps setup your new Zoom 28.8 and give some
info on what your doing and why.
I got 3230 cps on a zipped file and another
guy got 3360cps
$234.00 overnight to your door external model
313BBS26.ZIP 20437 02-12-94 Michigan 313 Area BBS's
340AS.ZIP 365093 09-13-94 Update for Optus software's FACSys fax server
software. Updates version 3.40 to 3.40a.
34USR825.ZIP 245486 08-25-94 08/25/94 Flash ROM code for US Robotics
Courier V.34. This is Field Trial code!!!
401APR94.ZIP 16054 04-01-94 BBSList: Rhode Island BBS List Area Code 401
401SEP94.ZIP 16794 09-01-94 BBSList: Rhode Island BBS List Area Code
(401) September 1994.
419BBS44.ZIP 31502 08-04-94 April, 1994 BBS List for the greater Toledo,
Ohio area.
4CLR0694.ZIP 16654 06-11-94 -=- 4ColorNet Information Package 06/94 -=-
4ColorNet features many comic book related
conferences and friendly conversation. If yo
love comic books or any related subject, ...
4CN0794.ZIP 23698 07-01-94 4ColorNet Info. Packet 07/94 Especially for
comic book lovers
4DTAG12.ZIP 7201 03-08-94 4DTAG v1.2: designed for use w/Telix 3.15,
this is a 4DOS batch uploader Dir 2
608B9409.ZIP 20196 09-01-94 BBSList: Areacode (608) BBSlist - Sept 94
Telephone Directory of BBS systems located in
the Wisconsin USA (southern portion).
609OCT94.ZIP 13518 10-06-94 A/C 609 AREA ONLINE LIST by Dave Schubert
800-BBS.ZIP 4821 07-08-94 June 1994 list of 800 number accessible BBSs
94JAN216.ZIP 5948 01-05-94 Cleveland 216 BBS List for Jan 94.
96DB0294.ZIP 74842 02-27-94 02/01/94 - 9600 bps BBS List -db format
Comma delimited sequential file with data on
over 3,000 US BBS's supporting 9600 bps or
faster, sorted by Area Code.
96LISTG4.ZIP 81433 07-17-94 07/01/94 - 9600 bps BBS List - ASCII BBS list
with over 3,700 US BBS phone numbers
supporting 9600 bps or faster CONNECT rates,
sorted by Area Code.
ABBL_59H.ZIP 124192 10-12-94 Atlanta BBS List (ABBL) #59 for Oct. '94 in
dialing directory formats for most comm pgrms
ACL1194.ZIP 33498 10-31-94 AC BBS List - November, 1994 DC/MD/VA METRO
ACSPG31.ZIP 63262 09-04-94 ACS Page ver 3.1, 09-04-94. Send text
messages to alpha pagers. Emulates Motorola
AlphaMate. New features include speeds
higher than 300 bps, defaults to 80 column
screens, enhanced debug mode.
ADIALR10.ZIP 16641 04-25-94 Auto-Dialer v1.0 - Phone dialer lists phone
book on the screen. Dials phone numbers from
pick lists or from startup parameter. Dir 2
AKBB1094.ZIP 46390 10-04-94 October 1994 Alaska BBS List.
ALLOV10A.ZIP 923967 05-22-94 AlloAllo v1.0a a Windows Communication
Program from Australia. May 1994
ALPHPAGE.ZIP 64791 06-17-94 A PC compatable program to send a text
message to an alphanumeric pager
AM_BBS05.ZIP 15039 06-03-94 Selected American BBS List May 1994
ANS37B.ZIP 307258 02-19-94 ANSWER v3.7b Voice Mail System for ZyXEL/Zoom
(get sample voice files zyx bin1.exe & zyx
bin2.exe) (no -AV, author included
AOLTIM30.ZIP 28184 11-14-94 New version of an add-on for America On-Line
version 2.0 that allows for keeping track of
time used and total time for billing.
ARC400.ZIP 67429 04-18-94 AreaCode 4.00 04/17/94 Foley Hi-Tech <ASP>
AreaCode is a small utility that lets you
look up a telephone areacode. TSR or alone.
ASP7501.ZIP 481301 06-04-94 ASP Shareware Catalog for BBS Users (Master
Edition) 4th volume, 4th edition
ASYNC16.ZIP 14695 10-18-94 Async v1.6 is a program to open Com port 1
or Com port 2. Transmit a data string, and
monitor the modem response. Freeware.
ATODFN10.ZIP 31562 09-30-94 ATODfine v1.0: CIS forum manager capable of
managing up to 100 AutoSIG forum definitions;
ATSEND19.ZIP 23843 06-04-94 Sends AT commands to Modems from DOS or .BAT
AWMOD96.ZIP 222422 04-08-94 April 94 9600bps Modem List for
BBBL1094.ZIP 40844 10-06-94 Blase's Baltimore BBS List - Oct. 1994
BBRDR70.ZIP 90628 11-23-94 V7.0 Big Boy's BBS List Easy-Reader
and BBS Listkeeper System.
Eeek! Mouse support Nyuk Nyuk!
From Big Boy's BBS 303-458-3832.
BBS09JAN.ZIP 14662 01-11-94 BBS09JAN.LST - Montreal Area BBSes
BBS1111.ZIP 48478 11-10-94 BBSList: THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY BBS LIST(tm)619
BBS1194.ZIP 7126 10-17-94 Greter Cincinnati BBS directory
BBS12_93.ZIP 27092 12-12-93 The best BBS list from British Columbia,
Canada. Covers most of the lower mainland.
BBS201.ZIP 171722 10-10-94 BBS 2.01 from MicroFox Company. ASP STAR ASAD
BBS is an easy to use communications program
W/ ASCII, Kermit, XYZ modems. Scrollback
BBS29AUG.ZIP 14819 09-02-94 BBS29AUG.LST - BBSlist Volume 9 Number 35.
Most complete list of BBSes Montreal area
BBSCSK.ZIP 8724 07-26-94 All BBS in Czech Republic
BBSDIAL2.ZIP 47401 07-09-93 BBS DIALER v2.0 for Smartcom for Windows! The
ultimate dialing directory script for calling
BBSs - IF you use Smartcom!
BBSGUIDE.ZIP 622403 08-20-94 BBS Guide BBS database
BBSHLPST.ZIP 88370 04-19-94 BBSHLPST.ZIP Comes from a variety of sources,
Here is a list of gov. And other BBSs, that
might be helpful to telcom-capable writers.
BBSL0594.ZIP 43412 04-29-94 Necroscope's NJ BBS List (May 1994)
BBSMAR94.ZIP 16414 03-01-94 Fire Escape's St. Louis BBS Directory: MARCH
BBSR10.ZIP 261698 11-26-94 Crater Rim's FREE Comm Package w/19 internal
protocols. All of the SuperK set! More
BBSRELST.ZIP 1707 11-16-94 Listing of real estate boards nationwide
BBS_9308.ZIP 20025 08-08-93 List of computer companies and their BBS
BBS_DIAL.ZIP 251637 06-22-93 BBS DIALER for Smartcom for Windows and
Smartcom Exec! Has many enhancements.
BBS__OCT.ZIP 24131 10-04-93 Toronto BBS Phone #'s from the Programmer's
BBVGA35.ZIP 108731 06-13-94 PC Blackboard VGA v3.5: simple point-to-point
interactive comm pgm that allows two PCs to
interact over a phone line flexibly.
BCBL0394.ZIP 53574 03-25-94 The Brevard BBS List for March 1994
BCOM13B.ZIP 103507 09-09-94 BananaCom is a VERY simple com program.
Excellent for the first time modem user and
perfect for people who help people use
modems. Provides auto ZModem, ANSI terminal
emulation, dialing directory stored as a text
file, auto port/speed detect and much more.
BCWIN30G.ZIP 376477 08-22-94 BCOM QueFile/Fax Most complete Windows
shareware com pkg available! BCOM for Windows
contains all the fax/data communication
survival needs for the 90's.
BEEPJR.ZIP 65871 01-15-94 The Beepster Junior A small program which can
send messages to tone only, digital and alpha
pagers from nearly any standard PC compatible
computer equipped with a serial baud modem.
BELBBS93.ZIP 27133 02-12-94 Belgian BBS list created due to problems with
prior lists.
BETA601E.ZIP 37771 07-06-94 Latest beta version of the Commo
telecommunications package that is really
great! Good with speech friendly interface
for folks using synthetic speech, but also
very powerful mainstream telecommunications.
Just contains Commo.exe and readme.1st files.
BGFAX136.ZIP 151508 09-25-94 BGFAX 1.35 [25-Sep-94] - A non-TSR S/R fax
program for people with Class 1, 2, 2.0, &
ZyXEL fax modems.
BIMPRO36.ZIP 126464 10-29-94 BImodem PRO (PAMPA) v3.6: A new full
BImodem.com-compatible protocol. Supports
4DOS comments. Add files to send/receive
queue while in-session. Capture chat to file.
BLOKE53F.ZIP 24798 09-24-94 Bloke PAS srce code, released to public
domain, utility for sifting bbs phone
listings into local/zone/LD
BLTCAP20.ZIP 11769 01-16-94 Bulletin Capture Script for use with
Intellicom 2.01 or higher. Make sure you have
your POSTFILE.SCR set up properly if you want
an easy time installing it.
BOP_0494.ZIP 14276 03-31-94 451 Phoenix BBSes contacted in late Mar 1994
format, can be used as a COMMOfon.
BOYAN52B.ZIP 156653 08-18-94 BOYAN Communications 5.2v - Macro language,
script learn, multi phone files, host mode,
support supports 10 external protocols,
configured for Zmodem and HSLink.
BRKOUT2.ZIP 169590 07-01-94 Breakout II v4.0 - Communications debugger
that transforms your PC into a sophisticated
dataline, serial analyzer. DEMONSTRATION
Fully working version but simulates com ports
BUS_PROF.ZIP 17698 02-26-94 BBSLIST: The National Business/Professional
BBS list March 1994 Directory of BBS systems
specializing in Business topics.
C1AFT101.ZIP 27870 02-12-94 C1AFT is a Procomm Plus srcipt file that
automates the use of MARKMAIL, Prodoor file
downloading, and Zippy dir scans from
Channel 1. v1.01
Source files included.
C3DIAL.ZIP 93747 06-16-94 C3Dial - Freeware phone dialer from C3
CALLIN10.ZIP 19776 10-29-94 CallInfo v1.0: See who is calling before you
answer the telephone. This DOS TSR will pop
up and display the name and number of who is
calling you before the second ring. Requires
caller id from your local telephone company
and a modem that supports caller id (many
14.4 & up).
CALTRANS.ZIP 303731 06-06-94 Call up Caltrans on your modem and see the
freeway trouble.
CAPZIP.ZIP 29311 01-12-94 Cap - is a command line utility for providing
alphnumeric paging.
CATDS138.ZIP 15986 06-06-94 Catdos.App v1.38: small FoxPro project that
converts TAPCIS-compatible CIS catalog files
with the CAT extension into an xBase database
CATWN146.ZIP 17212 07-24-94 Catdos.App v1.46: small FoxPro/Win project
that converts TAPCIS-compatible CIS catalog
files with the CAT extension into an xBase
database with the DBF extension; 07/24/94;
CBBS1194.ZIP 25230 11-10-94 The CBBSList - November 1994 Rel. Chicago
CC61.ZIP 135351 02-12-94 Patch for Carbon Copy 6.0 Corrects a lot of
bugs - esp. High speed modems. Upgrade to 6.1
CCFN0494.ZIP 127492 04-02-94 ChristNet Christian PC Echo Net Info Packet
CD-PAS.ZIP 25020 07-29-93 Modem Carrier Detector v1.0
CDM_V15.ZIP 85553 07-15-94 Use Commo and want an alphabetical dialing
directory? Well here's a Commo directory
management program that's speech friendly.
Written by Charles Crawford. Freeware. Handy
CDS-SST1.ZIP 98841 06-23-94 SST V1.o Pre-Release SST - Terminal Files
System - SST Now handle your files easily
with this handy system that works from your
term. File id insertion, Add Files, Much more
Imports from DSZ log, also imports new files
in work dir. Multi Directories. DSZ batch
CIM100.ZIP 50178 05-11-94 CIM 1.0 - Grey Matter's Caller ID Manager!
CIM will log all your calls automatically
CIMSEL.ZIP 39005 02-10-94 Cimsel 1.0 Provides A Menu of Telephone
Numbers And Baud Rates For Use When Dialing
Into Compuserve From Different Telephones
CIS0719.ZIP 11887 07-19-94 CompuServe local-access #'s, all speeds, as
of 7/19/94.
CISBL222.ZIP 44668 09-28-94 CIS Billing Tracker-JN Goodale ASP Off-line
CompuServe billing organizer.
CISDLL.ZIP 74587 09-24-94 CISDLL.ZIP A replacement dll file for
Procomm Plus for Windows 2.0, in exe
self-extracting format. See readme.dll for
info. D/l DataStorm BBS. Use on Compuserve
CISINFO.ZIP 32936 03-28-94 Command "reference card" and full user's
guide for CompuServe forums
CISRD2.ZIP 98277 02-05-94 TapCIS Message Reader v0.12b for Windows.
Reads files that were saved by the TapCIS
program. Compose new messages or replies.
CISSETUP.ZIP 7805 01-08-94 He purpose of this QMPRO script is to set the
TERMINAL functions within CompuServe to work
with the QMGATE mail program supplied with
QMPRO. Includes input from Mustang
CLASSB_3.ZIP 21677 11-13-94 New Jersey Bulletin Board list + ads
CLFCOM13.ZIP 98685 06-17-94 ClifCom E-Mail release 1.30 0 shell to
HS/Link to provide extremely fast automated
file transfers.
CLNDIZ15.ZIP 47898 06-04-94 CleanDiz V1.5 - Tired of "/ -" for file
CleanDiz is a Scanfile.bat upload pre-process
run it before CatScan, TranScan, CatAdd or
program that imports FILE ID.DIZ files
CMCMP494.ZIP 19991 04-07-94 45 Term Comms compared for ISA/BBS users
Well done. Suggests 8-N-1 default, etc.
CMDLST.ZIP 7968 01-30-94 List of CIS commands from Practice Forum. 2
CMRAT409.ZIP 133525 07-07-94 CimRater v4.09: MS-Windows utility designed
start WinCim (CIS), keeping track of your
online charges; req VBRUN300.DLL
COMDRI11.ZIP 10250 06-03-94 Allows a PC to share its disk drives with
another PC via the serial port and null modem
cable. Works on the background, allowing
system #1 to access system #2's disk drives
while system #2 is performing other tasks.
COMMIE02.ZIP 32443 02-15-94 JDR_BBS: Commie r.02 [GIP able comm program]
COMMO641.ZIP 190997 11-20-94 {COMMO} 6.41 - High-performance terminal
program for DOS (also excellent in Windows
and OS/2). {COMMO} is the smallest, fastest,
most reliable and most configurable terminal
for dos
COMT.ZIP 113522 11-02-94 COMT, The TELNET MODEM for Windows
CONGFAX.ZIP 7781 10-06-94 1994 list of fax numbers of your favorite
senators and representatives
CSHSWD.ZIP 365854 07-08-94 US Robotics V.EVERYTHING Modem Manual showing
V.34 settings.
CTBBSEPT.ZIP 15816 09-14-94 BBSList: THE CONNECTICUT BBS List areacode203
CTSSPU.ZIP 150799 10-24-94 CTS SERIAL PORT UTILITIES v2.0: Fix comm
problems. Detect multiple com ports at one
address, IRQ used, ports that can't generate
IRQs, and other conflicts. Detects failed
UARTs. NEW "Modem-finder" & BIOS options.
Can operate under Windows and OS/2! DOS 2+
CU-220.ZIP 742622 08-01-94 [COMMS]............COMMUNIQUE - version 2.20
Built-in fully-featured HOST MODE - no more
scripts! Communique is also an easy to use,
learn and look at, TERMINAL PACKAGE. Now
DBFMAKER.ZIP 32726 11-21-94 Creates simple Telix script file which will
download all of the files that you type in
offline has Bios screen writes.
DBN2.ZIP 86133 08-22-94 DBN Issue 2 Sept 94. Dead Board News: Dead
Board #'s, GD Fall 94 Tour Dates, GD Summer
Tour 94 setlsits, New Song By Phil, MORE
DCBB0694.ZIP 115532 06-01-94 Washington, DC area BBS list Jun 1, 1994
DCBB0794.ZIP 116259 07-01-94 Washington, DC area BBS list Jul 1, 1994
DCBB1094.ZIP 113036 10-01-94 Washington, DC area BBS list Oct 1, 1994
DCBB119A.ZIP 112071 11-02-94 Washington, DC area BBS list Nov 1, 1994
DEPTY309.ZIP 392433 01-07-94 DEPUTY Comms Software Latest V3.09 POWERFUL!
Supports: VT102/VT220/320/Wyse
ANSI/Prestel/Minitel. Fully configurable
Zmodem etc. With history logs. MNP5. Scripts
with auto-learn. Multi-lingual! Scrollback,
Background transfers, Mouse. Also supports
NACS, MSK, INT14, 16550's.
DIGTRM10.ZIP 442906 03-25-94 DigiTerm Ver1.0 for Windows - full-featured
data communications program. Supports X/Y/Z
modem protocols and speeds up to 57,600!
DIRS0694.ZIP 21290 06-05-94 Area Code 517 BBS list & phone dirs.
DIZED50.ZIP 123299 06-07-94 DIZ.EDIT v5.0 - A.R.I. Software Multi-Window
Full Mouse Control FILE ID.DIZ Editor for DOS
& OS/2 with DIZ Import/Export directly from
ZIPs, and Text/Binary file Import for Editing
DJS0694.ZIP 38828 05-25-94 National BBS Directory Published by DJSA BBS!
DJS0994.ZIP 48444 08-30-94 National BBS Directory by DJSA BBS Sept 94
DLABCOM1.ZIP 20582 05-27-94 Set Baud in RS232 Port Plus PDS 7.1 source
DLITE204.ZIP 198103 05-01-94 D-Lite v2.04 - Automated "robot" for
accessing Delphi
DLRK301.ZIP 73104 07-23-94 Download Recordkeeper 3.01 reads the Telemate
usage log, pulls out the names of downloaded
files, and adds them to two lists sorted
alphabetically and by extension.
DLRK is for terminal programs other than
Telemate. See info in DLRK301.DOC, contained.
DOC-BUL.ZIP 122001 03-16-94 U.S. Department of Commerce Economic BBS
filelist as of March 1994 and how to access
DP201.ZIP 18904 02-12-94 Patches for procomm 2.01 from datastorm bbs
on 2/20/93.
DSZ0920.ZIP 91698 09-20-94 Z-Modem 9.20.94 rel from Omen Technology
DSZ729.ZIP 91505 07-29-94 Z-Modem Protocol direct from Omen Tech.
DSZX0426.ZIP 39592 04-26-94 Cross-compiledEXE version of DSZ, 4.26.94
DTP0294.ZIP 13558 02-07-94 Feb 1994 update of International List of BBSs
dedicated to Desktop Publishing and other
BBSs of help to DTP enthusiasts!
EFAX06.ZIP 48886 06-09-94 Fax program for Class 1 and Class 2 FAX
EFBBSLST.ZIP 2184 10-22-94 Latest 617 & 508 BBS alphabetical listing
EL041694.ZIP 13080 08-04-94 Excelist (4/16/94) National List of BBSs
Which Carry Patriot Suppressed Information...
ELDA20.ZIP 28408 08-06-94 ELDA v2.0 Enhanced Line Diagnostic Analyser
by Brian E. Kelly. Sends link interrogation
commands to compatible modems and filters
their replies, sending the requested
responses to a log file or to the screen.
ELINK30.ZIP 204040 02-12-94 Eazilink v.3.0, interesting full featured
comm program from England
EMPBBS01.ZIP 9556 03-24-94 Employment BBS List as of 4-1-94. Online Job
Search Assistance. Includes Independent,
Recruiter Sponsored, State and Federal BBS
Systems with Job Vacancy Information.
ENGR0994.ZIP 37062 09-05-94 Engineering BBS List; 9-94; 177 listings
ENGR1094.ZIP 38834 11-01-94 Engineering BBS List; 10-94; 182 listings
ENSMGR14.ZIP 26146 07-24-94 Set of OzCIS scripts which provide a
management capability for
creating/deleting/editing Executive News
Service (ENS) personal clipping folders
ESP2CODE.ZIP 102057 05-18-94 Hayes ESP 2 serial port test/C source
EVVIN411.ZIP 1874 11-24-94 Evansville, IN BBS List for Nov 24, 1994
EXP_IMP.ZIP 79618 09-19-94 EXPORTER/IMPORTER.Two handy utilities for
users of Prodigy.
EZUPLOD2.ZIP 7252 02-12-94 Great Batch upload script for Boyan 4.01.
Uses Zmodem (w/MobyTurbo or not), Puma and
Lynx and Ymodem-Batch.
EZYD1.ZIP 36070 11-21-94 Nice Cmnd-Line Phone/Dig. Pager Dialer Ezy-D
is a great little dialer for use on the
command-line and in batch files. Make
unattended pager calls in response to
system/application events. Nice features.
FAXINF11.ZIP 2032 08-28-94 Phone list of auto FAX response systems
FCI0106.ZIP 78058 10-24-94 FCI Fossil Compatible Interface Version 1.06
with shared irq Support for 80386 or higher
Support for polled UART Support for multi
tasking Support for buffered UART Support for
off during INT 13 And more
FDC_400.ZIP 87450 02-10-94 File Download Counter v4.0.
FDSZ.ZIP 36098 08-07-94 Prototype fossil aware zmodem protocol
FIX-USR.ZIP 6328 09-07-94 Fix USR flash ROM's if, SDL install fails
FN62D.ZIP 741360 03-06-94 FONE is a comprehensive telephone call
pricing data base program that calculates the
approximate cost of calls BEFORE placed,
Displays on-going calls in real time and more
FON-HOM2.ZIP 17068 07-12-94 This Device will allow you to REMOTELY
turn your computer ON/OFF via a phone call.
inexpensive way to remotely reboot your
computer when your away. Deltronix Enterprise
FONALVE2.ZIP 13292 09-14-94 FONALVE2.ZIP - FoneALIVE! new intelligent
hardware device which guards against remote
access computer lockups. Monitors the
telephone line directly and detects all forms
of lockups including lockups with phone line
busy. Cycles power to restore proper
FRAFMOS.ZIP 369136 01-26-94 OS/2 v2.x, Comm AFMOScom, a communication
FRBBS004.ZIP 15505 05-18-94 FRBBS List of French BBS for 15 May 94
based systems. Includes V23-Minitel BBS and
Professional Boards, separately.
FREEC102.ZIP 54035 09-16-94 FREECOM allows you to use a PC compatible cpu
at a distant location as an electronic
telephone operator or "host" with 2 telephone
lines and modems.
FXTERM.ZIP 299513 08-17-94 FXTERM is a graphical type terminal
communication program 16 or 256 color vga or
svga also supports mouse. oldie!
GAP0794.ZIP 6370 07-01-94 GAP BBS Sysop & System Listing July 1994
GAYLST.ZIP 5606 11-10-94 The Florida list of Gay/Bi boards.
GBBS9402.ZIP 49903 02-02-94 Latest Genealogy BBS list/R. Pence
GETPFIL.ZIP 6163 02-23-94 A utility which will (should) take a profile
statement from a Hayes AT compatible modem
and write it to disk as a text file.
GNET694.ZIP 11756 06-24-94 Galactic Net, The Sci-fiEntertaiment Echo
GOVT94.ZIP 12147 11-21-94 FedWorld BBS List. From FedWorld you can
access more then 130 bulletin boards operated
by the U.S. Government.
GOVWP51.ZIP 12691 03-09-94 List of Gov't BBS' in Word Perfect 5.1 format
As of 11/93. Includes brief description of
what is available on the board.
GRTMSG2.ZIP 711303 07-07-94 These are 2 bit ADPCM messages use for the
zfax program. ZyXel modem adjunct
GSBBS023.ZIP 145580 11-21-94 The Garden State BBS List, NJ's Best Listing!
GSZ0920.ZIP 112873 09-20-94 Graphical ZModem from Omen Technologies
GSZTLX.ZIP 43156 04-21-94 Tailored gsz protocal for telix, faster than
GT1900S.ZIP 114120 10-29-94 Source for GT Power 19.00 utilities. dir 2
GT1900_1.ZIP 161218 10-03-94 GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94] Disk [1/8]
Complete host and terminal operations.
Features such as RIPscrip support
(viewable both remote and local!), fax
handling, CallerID, OS2/MS-Windows/
DESQview aware, QWKMail, DIZ support,
archive viewing, powerful script and
questionaire processing, CDROM support,
subscription and user account management,
onscreen file tagging, plus much more...
GT1900_2.ZIP 309741 10-06-94 GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94] Part [2/8]
Main program executable and misc utils.
286/386 Version.
GT1900_3.ZIP 46070 10-03-94 GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94] Disk [3/8]
External protocol drivers (CISB, GTZ)
GT1900_5.ZIP 120384 10-03-94 GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94] Disk [5/8]
HOST/BBS Mode documentation.
GT1900_6.ZIP 113350 10-03-94 GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94] Disk [6/8]
Host Mode utilities and Windows PIF and
ICO files.
GT1900_7.ZIP 112642 10-03-94 GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94] Disk [7/8]
BGI Graphics fonts and video drivers,
and misc utilities.
GT1900_8.ZIP 76980 10-03-94 GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94] Disk [8/8]
Example files/screens for Host Mode:
BBS, .CBS, .RIP and .ICN.
GTO1900A.ZIP 182757 10-06-94 GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94] Part [4/8]
Terminal Mode Only version. For use
when disk space is limited. Nickname
is GTO! 286/386 Version.
HAY288.ZIP 65541 04-30-94 Indepth users manual for Hayes 288 and 144
faxmodems. Downloaded from hayes support bbs
Includes AT commands left out of manual.
HM941012.ZIP 9850 10-21-94 Hartford/Manchester Area BBS List 10-12-94
HM941113.ZIP 9636 12-07-94 Hartford/Manchester Area BBS List 11-13-94
HOMESC94.ZIP 40966 04-05-94 Homeschool Organizations Directory 1994.
HOSTZOC2.ZIP 4312 04-13-94 A modified version of MINIHOST that came with
ZOC 1.21 (latest: fixed d/l function prob). 2
Has some OK features. Feel free to enhance!
HPN-101.ZIP 33162 11-19-94 Huckabey Phone Numbers. Keep track of your
phone numbers. Edit, print, add, delete
records, etc. 350 record limit in database.
HS121GC0.ZIP 141239 05-14-94 HS/Link External Protocol BETA TEST As of 5:
39 pm, Saturday, May 14, 1994 GERMAN LANGUAGE
VERSION HS/Link is a high speed, single and
bidirectional file transfer protocol with
many advanced features. It is EASY to set up.
HS_TLX32.ZIP 2441 08-25-93 Install HS/Link in TELIX 3.21.
HS_WC26.ZIP 3757 08-25-93 Install HS/Link in Wildcat! 2.60.
HVFCBB03.ZIP 25487 04-11-94 Hayes VFC BBS List volume 3 -- BBSs running
the Hayes OPTIMA 288 v.FC + Fax
HYDRA001.ZIP 47319 02-12-94 Spec sheet on the hydra protocol.
IBBS0494.ZIP 7327 03-31-94 IBBS Indiana BBS List for April 1994 Covering
Area Codes 219, 317, and 812 Over 289 BBSs
ICAP101B.ZIP 34323 09-05-94 ICAP Version 1.01B (Beta) 9/5/94
Utility program for USRobotics modems
to retrieve the modem's ATI6 and
ATI11 screens, and append them to a
log file with a date and time stamp.
ICOM0425.ZIP 1061873 04-25-94 Intellicomm v2.01 BETA 6. Advanced Canadian
communications program especially designed
for unattended usage. Very good!
ICOM201A.ZIP 339596 06-06-94 Intellicomm communications, v2.01 1/3
Intellicomm will revolutionize your BBS
sessions. If you call one or more BBS's you
simply cannot afford to be without this
program! Reknowned Canadian program
ICOM201B.ZIP 366405 06-06-94 Intellicomm communications, v2.01 2/3
Part 3/3 not necessary to run
ICOM201C.ZIP 340586 07-22-94 Intellicomm Communications v2.01 [3 of 3]
Premier Com package from Canada
ICOM201A/B on file here already.
INFOTERM.ZIP 161322 07-12-93 INFOTERM PLUS - Shareware Terminal program
Mouse support, color scrollback, QWK mail and
many special features never before seen in
a terminal program.
IP.ZIP 9377 07-25-94 Interrupt and Port Verifier 1.22
IPXFER11.ZIP 23887 06-13-94 IPXFER IPX network file transfer program v1.1
This utility allow you to QUICKLY send files
between two conputers that are linked via an
IPX network.
ISDN1194.ZIP 1936 11-08-94 First release of The National ISDN BBS list
ISDNINFO.ZIP 100056 01-02-94 All about ISDN from the ISDN distribution
list. Hundreds of messages captured.
IZM100.ZIP 127803 11-25-94 IceZmodem(IZM) v1.00 Protocol-Chat,DOS,Editor
IceSoft Software presents IceZmodem, an amazi
new Zmodem file transfer protocol with 100%
standard Zmodem compatibility and many enhanc
While transferring files you can chat with th
remote user, shell to DOS, edit a text file,
play Digital MOD file Music, or play games. Y
can even get 2 pages of system information ab
the remote computer. It has one of the best
status displays ever and includes a Screen Sa
JAMMER.ZIP 1152175 02-28-94 A modem diagnostic and throughput program
JAMMER28.ZIP 3244 11-17-93 Modem Jammer v2.0 prevents your modem calls
from being traced. Very simple to execute.
JAMMERID.ZIP 3249 09-17-93 Disables Caller ID. Dir 2
JAX4-94.ZIP 5148 04-19-94 BBS List for Jacksonville, Florida. A.C. 904
JAXSEP94.ZIP 6933 09-07-94 Jax Area BBS List for Sept of '94.
JMD4TLX.ZIP 17411 02-12-94 Salt script to add jmodem to telix
JMOD4PCB.ZIP 90460 02-12-94 JModem Protocol for PCBoard.
JOBS0629.ZIP 9555 07-05-94 List of employment BBSes (some free of
charge!) June 29th 1994 release.
K314BET6.ZIP 691736 10-17-94 Kermit for MS-DOS v3.14 beta 6.
Complete File transfer package...
KBL0894C.ZIP 5691 09-03-94 Mid august Knoxville BBS list for East
Tenn/615 area code.
KBL1094A.ZIP 6337 10-31-94 October 1994 Knoxville Area BBS list.
KING9401.ZIP 4023 02-05-94 Kingston, Ontario (613) BBS list, January
1994. Compiled by Timothy Pulver.
KNOX0694.ZIP 2374 06-05-94 Knoxville BBS Listing for June 1994
KNWTRU.ZIP 66863 01-16-94 The TRUTH about KERMIT NEWS, or What Columbia
University doesn't know about File Transfers
may surprise you!; 01/16/94; Chuck Forsberg.
KSPBOOT.ZIP 4470 05-25-94 KSPBOOT: Source and executable for a "robust"
program to reboot if the phone rings four
times without an answer. DeSmet ASM88.
assembler source code included. Freeware.
LA40.ZIP 59945 09-04-93 LAPHONE v4.0 - NOW A 5K TSR! Tells you the
city in which a phone number originates in
Southern California. Calculates tolls bet ACs
213,310,602,619,714,805,818,909. Register for
personalized version of the program that
calculates phone call costs from your phone
LABBS_K4.ZIP 48285 11-28-94 Los Angeles Area BBS List - November, 1994
Bulletin Boards in the 213, 310 and 818 area
LCMN0694.ZIP 5710 06-17-94 Lawson Christian Message Network -
Information packet on a new QWK based
Christian mail message network. Join today.
LIBBSLST.ZIP 31979 03-29-94 Over 300 area BBS's in 516 area code
LIELST20.ZIP 7359 09-06-94 The L.I. Exchange BBS list for 9&10/94. This
is a 516 area code BBS list.
LOGRDR10.ZIP 10216 04-15-94 LOGREADR v1.0 - Log Reader reads your QModem
Pro's Log File, and generates a list of only
the actual calls that took place.
LXFRETC.ZIP 199908 04-08-94 LXFR-ETC v1.3. File transfer program for
Windows, DOS and OS/2. Features modem
support, auto send-receive, XModem-YModem,
background transfers.
MCBL0894.ZIP 2543 10-19-94 List of BBS's that have special interest in
missing children.
MKEY112.ZIP 69884 09-14-94 MagicKey Popup HELP window with autotyping
for use with DOS Terminal Programs. Shareware
MV110694.ZIP 16787 11-06-94 Mohawk Valley Bulletin Board List